Widgets List

This method returns an aggregated list of public widgets installed on the account as well as widgets added by the current user.

The method is available for all account users.

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters
Method returns an array of widget objects.

ParameterData typeDescription
idintWidget ID
codestringWidget code
versionstringWidget version
ratingstring|floatWidget rating (rating system doesn't exist on Kommo yet)
settings_templatearrayAn array of widget settings fields
settings_template[0]objWidget settings field
settings_template[0][key]stringField value key
settings_template[0][name]stringWidget settings field name
settings_template[0][type]stringWidget settings field data type (text, pass, custom, users, or users_lp)
settings_template[0][is_required]boolShows whether filling in the is mandatory
is_lead_sourceboolShows whether a widget can be set as a lead source
is_work_with_dpboolShows whether a widget is available in Digital Pipeline
is_crm_templateboolShows whether a widget is a CRM template
client_uuidstring|nullUUID of the widget’s oAuth integration
is_active_in_accountboolShows whether the widget is installed in the account
pipeline_idintPipeline ID where a widget is set as a lead source
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!