Get a list of templates

The method allows you to get a list of templates in your account.

The method is available with administrator rights.

The method returns only the templates that were created by the current integration.

Data type header on success
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header on error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintTemplate ID
account_idintID of the account the template belongs to
namestringTemplate name
contentstringTemplate body (the message that is sent to the user)
is_editableboolIt defines whether users can edit the template via Kommo interface.
typestringTemplate type
buttonsarrayArray of button objects
buttons[]objA button object
buttons[][type]stringButton type. Available options are inline (plain text button) and url (link button)
buttons[][text]stringText on the button
buttons[][url]stringURL of the button of the url type
attachmentobject|nullObject of the file added to the template
attachment[id]stringUUID of the file attached to the template
attachment[name]stringFile name (it will be passed to a messenger)
attachment[type]stringType of the file (picture, file, document, video)
attachment[is_external]boolIndicator that the file is from a file service. For all templates added from spring 2022 returns true.
created_atintIndicates when the template was added in Unix Timestamp
updated_atintIndicates when the template was updated last time in Unix Timestamp
external_idstringExternal template ID. Template ID in your system.
review_statusstring|nullWhatsApp template status: approved/review/paused/rejected. It requires GET parameter with.
is_on_reviewnull|boolIndicates whether the template is being reviewed? It requires GET parameter with.
waba_footerstringWhatsapp template footer
waba_categorystringWhatsApp template category. The following categories are available: UTILITY/AUTHENTICATION/MARKETING
waba_languagestringLanguage of the Whatsapp template
waba_examplesobjExamples of replacing WhatsApp template markup elements. Example "waba_examples":{"{{}}":"qwerty"}
waba_headerstringWhatsApp template header with a limit of up to 60 characters.
waba_header_typestringWhatsApp template header type. Available options: text (WhatsApp template with a header), media (WhatsApp template with a media header, there must be a file attached).
_embeddedobjAn object containing information related to the request
_embedded.reviewsarrayWhatsApp template statuses array. It requires GET parameter with.[][id]intWhatsApp template status ID. It requires GET parameter with.[][source_id]intWhatsApp template status source ID. It requires GET parameter with.[][reject_reason]stringThe reason the WhatsApp template was rejcted. It requires GET parameter with.[][status]stringWhatsApp template status. It requires GET parameter with.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!