Declining incoming leads

This method allows declining an incoming lead

Response parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
uidstringIncoming lead UID
categorystringIncoming lead category: sip, mail, chats, forms
pipeline_idintID of the pipeline in which the incoming lead is located
created_atintThe time and date the incoming lead was created in the format of Unix Timestamp
_embeddedobjectEmbedded entities data
_embedded[contacts]arrayData related to the contact of the incoming lead.
_embedded[contacts][0]objectContact model
_embedded[contacts][0][id]intContact ID
_embedded[companies]arrayData related to the company of the incoming lead.
_embedded[companies][0]objectCompany model
_embedded[companies][0][id]intCompany ID
_embedded[leads]arrayData related to the lead to which the incoming lead is connected .
_embedded[leads][0]objectLead model
_embedded[leads][0][id]intLead ID
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