Contacts List

This method allows to get a list of contacts in the account

Method is available in correspondence to the user rights.

“with” Parameters

leadsAdds info on the leads linked to the contact into the response
catalog_elementsAdds lists elements linked to the contact into the response

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
idintContact ID
namestringContact fullname
first_namestringContact first name
last_namestringContact last name
responsible_user_idintContact responsible user ID
group_idintGroup ID of the contact responsible user
created_byintID of the user who created the contact
updated_byintID of the user who updated the contact last
created_atintContact creation date in the format of Unix Timestamp
updated_atintContact update date in the format of Unix Timestamp
closest_task_atintDate of the closest open task in the format of Unix Timestamp
custom_fields_valuesarray|nullAn array of the current contact custom fields’ values
account_idintAccount ID where the contact is located in
_embeddedobjectEmbedded entities data
_embedded[tags]arrayContact tags data array
_embedded[tags][0]objectContact tag model
_embedded[tags][0][id]intTag ID
_embedded[tags][0][name]stringTag name
_embedded[tags][0][color]string/nullTag color
_embedded[companies]arrayContact tag model
_embedded[companies][0]objectLinked company data
_embedded[companies][0][id]intLinked company ID
_embedded[leads]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked leads data array
_embedded[leads][0]objectLinked lead data
_embedded[leads][0][id]intLinked lead ID
_embedded[catalog_elements]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked lists’ elements data array
_embedded[catalog_elements][0]objectLinked list element data
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][id]intLinked element ID
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][metadata]objectMeta-data of the element
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][quantity]intLinked elements quantity
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][catalog_id]intID of the linked element’s list
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!