Receiving Chat webhooks

For each message sent from the Kommo interface to the chat channel, a webhook is dispatched to a specified address. Upon receiving a webhook, itโ€™s crucial to process it and send a message to the messenger.


Each webhook is sent only once; if the integration fails to process or receive it, it will not be retried.

Response time for the webhook is limited, so itโ€™s recommended to check the request signature immediately upon receipt and handle business logic in the background. For example, you can queue a task for processing and promptly respond to the webhook.

If a message cannot be accepted by the integrated messenger, you should update its status to Error. Then, in an asynchronous mode, you can process the message, execute your business logic, and send the message as needed.


Currently, the response window for the webhook is a maximum of 5 seconds. To consider the webhook successfully sent, your integration must respond with a 200 HTTP code.

The Chat API employs prioritization mechanisms; if the integration takes too long to respond or fails to respond, it may be moved to a slower stream, resulting in delayed webhook delivery. This priority is calculated dynamically based on various factors, allowing the integration to switch between faster and slower queues as necessary.

Additionally, โ€œtypingโ€ events from the manager require separate webhook subscriptions for each channel, which can be arranged through Tech Support.

Webhook v2

Kommo sends you webhooks if a message was sent. To get them, you need to specify a webhook URL in "webhook_url" field when registering a channel.

Each webhook contains an X-Signature header, which is generated from the request body using the HMAC-SHA1 method. The channel secret serves as the secret key, allowing you to verify the authenticity of incoming webhooks.

To do this, calculate the hash from the body of the incoming request and compare it with the value in the X-Signature header.

Sending a message

   "account_id": "XXXXXXXX-d2eb-4bd8-b862-b57934927b38",
   "time": 1670571014,
   "message": {
       "receiver": {
           "id": "XXXXXXXX-a3ab-4695-832c-919dbfc598ea",
         	 "name": "John",
           "phone": "+123456789",
           "email": "[email protected]",
           "client_id": "XXXXXXXX-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a90"
       "sender": {
           "id": "XXXXXXX-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5b89",
         	 "name": "Manager"
       "conversation": {
           "id": "XXXXXXXX-c40d-4efc-9f78-9625adac414c",
           "client_id": "XXXXXXX-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d"
     	 "source": {
           "external_id": "ChatSourceId"
       "timestamp": 1670571014,
       "msec_timestamp": 1670571014414,
       "message": {
           "id": "XXXXXXXX-2aa3-464c-b6e4-4386d0f8f3ca",
           "type": "text",
           "text": "Hello Adam! Let's schedule a call for next week. ",
           "markup": null,
           "tag": "",
           "media": "",
           "thumbnail": "",
           "file_name": "",
           "file_size": 0
  "account_id": "XXXXXXXX-d75c-4ee0-a443-9adbb902f98d",
  "time": 1730732453,
  "message": {
    "receiver": {
      "id": "XXXXXXX-1bc4-457f-b941-9b699c958165",
      "name": "John Johnson",
      "phone": "+1234567890",
      "client_id": "XXXXXXX-d95e-121212-3c0eeea9d897"
    "sender": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXXX-fadd-4995-8026-36fcc0c806bd",
      "name": "Nicky"
    "source": {
      "external_id": "chatapi2externalid"
    "conversation": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXXX-4ccc-48a5-8bf3-68fed3cc74ba",
      "client_id": "12-122131"
    "timestamp": 1730732453,
    "msec_timestamp": 1730732453229,
    "message": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXXXXX-2d28-4853-baec-5f8f7e5e4f8a",
      "type": "picture",
      "text": "",
      "markup": null,
      "tag": "",
      "media": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "file_name": "Screenshot_1.png",
      "file_size": 24246
  "account_id": "XXXXXX-d75c-4ee0-a443-9adbb902f98d",
  "time": 1730734321,
  "message": {
    "receiver": {
      "id": "XXXXXX-1bc4-457f-b941-9b699c958165",
      "name": "John 1",
      "phone": "+18305803077",
      "client_id": "XXXXXXXX-d95e-121212-3c0eeea9d897"
    "sender": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXX-fadd-4995-8026-36fcc0c806bd",
      "name": "Nicky"
    "source": {
      "external_id": "chatapi2externalid"
    "conversation": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXX-4ccc-48a5-8bf3-68fed3cc74ba",
      "client_id": "XXXXXXX-adlw23d21-sad21d-221svr"
    "timestamp": 1730734321,
    "msec_timestamp": 1730734321314,
    "message": {
      "id": "XXXXXXX-81b4-4880-9f39-c890a1c011a9",
      "type": "picture",
      "text": "Hello John! How are you?",
      "markup": {
        "mode": "inline",
        "buttons": [
              "text": "Fine!"
              "text": "I'm fine"
      "tag": "",
      "media": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "file_name": "picture.png",
      "file_size": 24249,
      "template": {
        "id": 34788,
        "content": "Hello  {{}}! How are you?",
        "params": [
            "key": "{{}}",
            "value": "John"
  "account_id": "XXXXXXXX-d75c-4ee0-a443-9adbb902f98d",
  "time": 1730742708,
  "message": {
    "receiver": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXX-1bc4-457f-b941-9b699c958165",
      "name": "John",
      "phone": "+18305803077",
      "client_id": "XXXXXXXX-d95e-121212-3c0eeea9d897"
    "sender": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXXX-fadd-4995-8026-36fcc0c806bd",
      "name": "Nicky"
    "source": {
      "external_id": "chatapi2externalid"
    "conversation": {
      "id": "XXXXXXX-4ccc-48a5-8bf3-68fed3cc74ba",
      "client_id": "XXXXXXX-adlw23d21-sad21d-221svr"
    "timestamp": 1730742708,
    "msec_timestamp": 1730742708539,
    "message": {
      "id": "XXXXXXXX-628c-41ac-bdaa-a26b0372c27a",
      "type": "text",
      "text": "Hello!",
      "markup": null,
      "tag": "",
      "media": "",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "file_name": "",
      "file_size": 0,
      "reply_to": {
        "message": {
          "id": "XXXXXXXX-832f-413b-b3f8-019fa2a5d274",
          "msgid": "XXXXXXX-2sd21we12-f45665432",
          "type": "text",
          "text": "Hi!",
          "timestamp": 1730367735,
          "msec_timestamp": 1730367735000,
          "sender": {
            "id": "XXXXXX-1bc4-457f-b941-9b699c958165",
            "name": "John",
            "phone": "+18305803077",
            "client_id": "XXXXXXXX-d95e-121212-3c0eeea9d897"
  "account_id": "52e591f7-c98f-4255-8495-827210138c81",
  "time": 1639572261,
  "message": {
    "receiver": {
      "id": "2ed64e26-70a1-4857-8382-bb066a076219",
      "phone": "79161234567",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "client_id": "my_int-1376265f-86df-4c49-a0c3-a4816df41af8"
    "sender": {
      "id": "76fc2bea-902f-425c-9a3d-dcdac4766090"
    "conversation": {
      "id": "8e4d4baa-9e6c-4a88-838a-5f62be227bdc",
      "client_id": "my_int-d5a421f7f218"
    "source": {
      "external_id": "78001234567"
    "timestamp": 1639572260,
    "msec_timestamp": 1639572260980,
    "message": {
      "id": "0371a0ff-b78a-4c7b-8538-a7d547e10692",
      "type": "text",
      "text": "Lead #15926745 Message text",
      "markup": {
        "list_message": {
          "header": "What type of service do you want to receive?",
          "body": "Please select one of the answer options from the menu by clicking the button below.",
          "footer": "Sincerely, Test Company",
          "button": "Services",
          "sections": [
              "title": "Available services",
              "rows": [
                  "callback_data": "vG9ujre8N7",
                  "title": "Service 1",
                  "description": "Service 1 description"

Webhook body parameters


A message can be received along with media, text, and buttons simultaneously. When multiple attachments are sent at once, the message will be divided into several webhooks, but they will all share a common message[message][media_group_id].

ParameterData typeDescription
account_idstringamojo account ID
timeintTimestamp when generating the webhook in the format of Unix Timestamp
messageobjAn array contains the message components.


ParameterData TypeDescription
receiverobjMessage receiver
senderobjMessage sender
conversationobjConversation details
sourceobjChat source information
timestampintMessage timestamp in the format of Unix Timestamp
msec_timestampintMessage timestamp in milliseconds
messageobjThe content of the message


ParametersData TypeDescription
idstringChat participant ID on the integration side
namestringChat participant name on the Chats API side
phonestringPhone number. The field is not returned if the profile wasnโ€™t passed
emailstringEmail address. The field is not returned if the profile wasnโ€™t passed
client_idstringChat participant ID on the Chats API side


ParametersData TypeDescription
idstringChat participant ID on the integration side
namestringChat participant name on the Chats API side


ParameterData TypeDescription
idstringChat ID in the Chat API
client_idstringChat ID on the integration side


ParameterData TypeDescription
external_idstringChat source ID on the integration side


ParameterData TypeDescription
idstringamojo ID of the message
typestringMessage type, one of the following: text, file, video, picture, voice, audio, sticker
textstringThe field is mandatory for the โ€œtextโ€ type, can be empty for other types
markupobjThe keyboard object to display with the message
mediastringURL to the file, video, picture, voice, audio, or sticker
thumbnailstringLink to the preview picture or video thumbnail URL
file_namestringThe name of the file from the โ€œmediaโ€ field URL
file_sizeintThe size for the data in the โ€œmediaโ€ field
templateobjTemplate object, if the message was sent using a template
reply_toobjReply message object.
forwardsarr of objForward message object.


The markup object consists of an array of arrays of buttons arranged in a specified layout.

The arrangement method is indicated in the mode field. Currently, for integrations, this field always contains the value "inline".

The "inline" value indicates that the keyboard should be positioned below the message text.

At this time, buttons of different types cannot be included in the same object.

ParametersData TypeDescription
modestringKeyboard layout. Possible value:" inline".
buttonobjArray of the button objects
list_messageobjWhatsApp List Message type message object. List Message object structure


ParametersData TypeDescription
textstringText. When a user clicks on a text button, the messenger should send a message with the text of this button to the chat
buttonobjLink. When a user clicks on a link button, the messenger should follow that link. The property may be absent if another type of button was passed.


ParameterData TypeDescription
headerstringMessage title. A string of up to 60 characters (emoji supported)
bodystringMessage body. A string up to 1024 characters long (emoji and Markdown are supported)
footerstringBottom of the message. Line up to 60 characters long (emoji, links, and Markdown supported)
buttonstringThe name of the main button that will be shown to the user; when this button is clicked, a menu with the transferred sections opens
sectionsarrayAn array of objects (1 to 10 elements) describing interactive elements (sections)
sections[0]objectAn object describing an interactive section
sections[0][title]stringSection name. A string up to 24 characters long.
sections[0][rows]arrayAn array of objects (1 to 10 elements) describing individual buttons in the section
sections[0][rows][0]objectAn object that describes a single button in a section
sections[0][rows][0][callback_data]stringA unique identifier to be passed to WhatsApp and sent with the button selected by the user in the callback_data property of the message object.
sections[0][rows][0][title]stringButton name
sections[0][rows][0][description]stringButton description


ParameterData TypeDescription
idstringThe template id in Kommo
contentstringThe template text without interpreting the placeholders
paramsobjAn object of the placeholders


ParameterData TypeDescription
keystringKey of the placeholder
valuestringValue of the placeholder


ParameterData TypeDescription
messageobjReply message object. Embedded message object description

message.message.reply_to.message (embedded message)

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintThe ID of the quoted message in the Chats API. If passed, the remaining fields do not need to be filled in, they will be determined automatically. In case of passing the ID, scrolling to the message will also work if the chat is in the same card.
msgidintThe ID of the quoted message on the integration side. If passed, the remaining fields do not need to be filled in, they will be determined automatically. In case of passing the ID, scrolling to the message will also work if the chat is in the same card.
typestringMandatory if no ID is passed. Message type can be one of the following: text, contact, file, video, picture, voice, audio, sticker, location.
textstringMandatory for the "text" type if no ID is passed. For other message types, this can be empty.
file_namestringOptional. File name
file_sizeintOptional. File size in bytes
media_durationintOptional. Duration for video/audio/voice messages
locationobjMandatory field for location type messages
senderobjMessage sender information. Sender object description

message.message.reply_to.message.sender (embedded user)

ParameterData TypeDescription
idstringSender ID on the integration side, if passed, the remaining fields do not need to be filled in, they will be determined automatically.
ref_idstringSender ID in the Chats API, if passed, the remaining fields do not need to be filled in, they will be determined automatically.
namestringMandatory if no ID is passed. Sender name

Typing webhook

The webhook is sent when the manager types a message in the Kommo interface.


The webhook is sent no more than once every 5 seconds.

   "account_id": "XXXXXXXX-d2eb-4bd8-b862-b57934927b38",
   "time": 1670585310,
   "action": {
       "typing": {
           "user": {
               "id": "XXXXXXXX-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5b89"
           "conversation": {
               "id": "XXXXXXX-9f3c-4d3f-8101-60327e14dc48",
               "client_id": "XXXXXXXX-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810f"
           "expired_at": 1670585315

Body parameters

ParametersData TypeDescription
account_idstringamojo account ID
timeintTimestamp when generating the webhook in the format of Unix Timestamp
action[typing][user][id]stringUser ID who performs the writing in the Chat API
action[typing][conversation][id]stringChat ID in Chats API
action[typing][conversation][client_id]stringOptional field. Chat ID on the integration side. If the chat was created using the Write first function, the field will be absent in the hook
action[typing][expired_at]intTimestamp when we think the user is no longer typing. We pass the typing end timestamp as the current print start time + 5 seconds

Reaction webhook

The webhook is triggered when the user reacts to a message or removes their reaction within the Kommo interface.

    "account_id": "XXXXXX-8952-4785-abe2-c8d93f5fcc7d",
    "time": 1637087558,
    "action": {
      "reaction": {
          "id": "XXXXXXX-9e04-4e1d-bee9-37c71924cd11",
          "client_id": "64ff3a9baeb11",
            "id": "XXXXX-f502-4165-9377-8575c55c5ebd",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "phone": "+123456789",
            "client_id": "14255551212"
          "timestamp": 1694448283,
          "msec_timestamp": 1694448283000
        "user": {
          "id": "XXXXXX-9e04-4e1d-bee9-37c71924cdc2"
        "conversation": {
          "id": "XXXXXXXX-f502-4165-9377-8575c55c5ebd",
          "client_id": "c1234456"
        "type": "react",
        "emoji": "๐Ÿ˜"

Body parameters

ParametersData TypeDescription
account_idstringChat API account ID
timeintWebhook create time in Unix Timestamp format
action[reaction][message][id]stringChat API message ID
action[reaction][message][client_id]stringOptional field. Message ID on the integration side. If the message was created on the Kommo side, the field will not be in the webhook
action[reaction][message][receiver]objAn object with information about the receiver of the message.
action[reaction][message][sender]objAn object with information about the sender of the message
action[reaction][message][timestamp]intMessage creation time in Unix Timestamp format
action[reaction][message][msec_timestamp]intMessage create time in Unix Timestamp format with milliseconds
action[reaction][user]objAn object with information about the sender of the reaction.
action[reaction][conversation][id]stringChat ID in Chat API
action[reaction][conversation][client_id]stringOptional field. Chat ID on the integration side. If the chat was created using the Write first function, the field will be absent in the hook
action[reaction][type]stringEvent type: "react", "unreact"
action[reaction][emoji]stringOptional field. Reaction provided by the user. If the user removes the reaction, the field will not be in the webhook