Events filtration

There are two more parameters that you can use for events filtration: "value_before" and "value_after".

The following values are available for the filter by before/after values at the moment:

  • leads_statuses – filter by the lead stage, available for the lead_status_changed event
  • responsible_user_id – filter by the responsible user, available for the entity_responsible_changed event
  • custom_field_values – filter by the enum field value,
    available for the custom_field_{FIELD_ID}_value_changed event, no more than 1 event type should be passed
  • value – filter by the exact value, available for the
    nps_rate_added, sale_field_changed, name_field_changed, ltv_field_changed, custom_field_value_changed events


This filter allows to pass stage and pipeline IDs to get only required lead stage change events.

This is what the request could look like:


In the example we’ll get all lead stage change events where the lead was moved to the stage 99999999 of the pipeline 12345.


This filter allows to pass user IDs separated with commas to get only the required responsible user change events.

This is what the request could look like:


Here we’ll get all responsible user change events for the user ID 5555555.


Filter by the enum field value, available for the custom_field_{FIELD_ID}_value_changed event, no more than 1 event type should be passed.

This filter allows to pass enum field values to get only required field values change events.

This is what the request could look like:


In the following example we’ll get all field value change events for the field ID 777777 with enum ID 145.


This filter allows to pass before/after values. It is only available for the following event types: nps_rate_added,
sale_field_changed, name_field_changed, ltv_field_changed, custom_field_value_changed.

This is what the request could look like:


Here we’ll get all lead sale change events where lead sale became equal to 155.

Data structure of value_after/before

If you want to write your own scripts to filter events list, keep in mind the data structure of value_after and value_before fields depends on the event type and can have different values.

  • Event types: lead_deleted, lead_restored, contact_deleted, contact_restored, company_deleted, company_restored, entity_merged, task_added, task_deleted, task_completed
value_after|value_beforeEmpty arrayarray
    "value_after": [],
    "value_before": []
  • Event type: task_text_changed
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after|value_before[0][task]objСhanged task data object
value_after|value_before[0][task][text]stringTask text
    "value_after": [
            "task": {
              "text": "new task text"
    "value_before": [
            "task": {
              "text": "old task text"
  • Event types: robot_replied and intent_identified
value_afterarrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after[0][helpbot]objTriggered intent data object
value_after[0][helpbot][text]stringTask text
    "value_after": [
            "helpbot": {
              "id": 145
  • Event type: transaction_added
value_afterarrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after[0][transaction]objTransaction data object
value_after[0][transaction][id]intTransaction ID
    "value_after": [
            "transaction": {
              "id": 33675

  • Event types: lead_added, contact_added, company_added, common_note_added, common_note_deleted, attachment_note_added, targeting_in_note_added, targeting_out_note_added, geo_note_added, service_note_added, site_visit_note_added, message_to_cashier_note_added, incoming_call, outgoing_call, incoming_sms, outgoing_sms, link_followed, task_result_added
value_afterarrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after[0][note]objNote data object
value_after[0][note][id]intNote ID
    "value_after": [
            "note": {
              "id": 7422564
  • Event type: nps_rate_added
value_afterarrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after[0][nps]objNPS rate data object
value_after[0][nps][rate]intRate from 1 to 10
    "value_after": [
            "nps": {
              "rate": 7
  • Event types: incoming_chat_message and outgoing_chat_message
value_afterarrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after[0][message]objMessage data object
value_after[0][message][id]stringMessage ID
    "value_after": [
            "message": {
              "id": "1508b51c-aab0-428e-9322-611d847ae747"
  • Event types: entity_tag_added and entity_tag_deleted
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes
value_after|value_before[0][tag]objTag data object
value_after|value_before[0][tag][name]stringTag name
    "value_after": [
            "tag": {
              "name": "tag 1"
    "value_before": [
            "tag": {
              "name": "tag2"
            "tag": {
              "name": "tag2"
  • Event type: lead_status_changed
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes
value_after|value_before[0][lead_status]objStatus data object
value_after|value_before[0][lead_status][id]intStatus ID
value_after|value_before[0][lead_status][pipeline_id]intPipeline ID
    "value_after": [
            "lead_status": {
              "id": 5233224,
              "pipeline_id": 437642,
    "value_before": [
            "lead_status": {
              "id": 5233224,
              "pipeline_id": 437642,
  • Event types: company_linked, company_unlinked, contact_linked, contact_unlinked, lead_linked, lead_unlinked, entity_linked, entity_unlinked
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes (this event type always has one change in the array)
value_after|value_before[0][link][entity][type]stringEntity type
value_after|value_before[0][link][entity][id]intEntity ID
value_after|value_before[0][unlink][entity][type]stringEntity type
value_after|value_before[0][unlink][entity][id]intEntity ID
    "value_after": [
            "link": {
              "entity": {
                "type": "lead",
                "id": 6232965
    "value_before": []
  • Event type: entity_responsible_changed
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes
value_after|value_before[0][responsible_user]objUser data object
value_after|value_before[0][responsible_user][id]intUser ID
    "value_after": [
            "responsible_user": {
              "id": 504329
    "value_before": [
            "responsible_user": {
              "id": 37268
  • Event type: task_deadline_changed
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes
value_after|value_before[0][task_deadline]objTask deadline data object
value_after|value_before[0][task_deadline][timestamp]intDeadline timestamp
    "value_after": [
            "task_deadline": {
              "timestamp": 1573595900
    "value_before": [
            "task_deadline": {
              "timestamp": 1573578700
  • Event type: task_type_changed
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes
value_after|value_before[0][task_type]objTask type data object
value_after|value_before[0][task_type][id]intTask type ID
    "value_after": [
            "task_type": {
              "id": 504329
    "value_before": [
            "task_type": {
              "id": 37268
  • Event type: custom_field_value_changed
value_after|value_beforearrayArray of event changes
value_after|value_before[0][custom_field_value][field_id]intField ID
value_after|value_before[0][custom_field_value][field_type]intTask type ID
value_after|value_before[0][custom_field_value][enum_id]int|nullEnum value ID or null if the field doesn’t have enum values
value_after|value_before[0][custom_field_value][text]stringField value text
  "value_after": [
      "custom_field_value": {
        "field_id": 53728,
        "field_type": 8,
        "enum_id": 2352876,
        "text": "[email protected]"
      "custom_field_value": {
        "field_id": 53728,
        "field_type": 8,
        "enum_id": 2352876,
        "text": "[email protected]"
  "value_before": [
      "custom_field_value": {
        "field_id": 53728,
        "field_type": 8,
        "enum_id": 193200,
        "text": "[email protected]"