Linking incoming leads

This method allows linking an incoming lead to an existing lead.


  • The method is available for administrator users only
  • The method is available for incoming leads of the “chats” type only

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters
The method returns the information about the performed action.

ParameterData typeDescription
uidstringIncoming lead UID
_embeddedobjectEmbedded entities data
_embedded[leads]arrayData related to the lead to which the incoming lead is being connected.
_embedded[leads][0]objectLead model
_embedded[leads][0][id]intLead ID
_embedded[contacts]arrayData related to the contact to which the incoming lead is being connected.
_embedded[contacts][0]objectContact model
_embedded[contacts][0][id]intContact ID
_embedded[companies]arrayData related to the company to which the incoming lead is being connected.
_embedded[companies][0]objectCompany model
_embedded[companies][0][id]intCompany ID
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!