Installing the widget into the account

This method allows installing the widget into the account.

The method is available for administrators of the account only.

Request parameters

To install a widget, mandatory parameters based on the widget settings should be passed.

Available field types and their format are listed below.

ParameterData typeDescription
textstringValue for this type is passed as a regular string
passstringValue for this type is passed as a regular string
usersobjectAn object containing user ID as key and his extension number as value
users_lpobjectAn object containing user ID as key and an object with login and password as value
users_lp[{user_id}][login]objectUser login
users_lp[{user_id}][password]objectUser password

An example of the request
In the following example we’ll pass fields required to install the asterisk widget.
Fields “login” and “script_path” have the “text” type.
Field “password” has the “pass” type.
Field “phones” has the “users” type.

    "login": "example",
    "password": "eXaMp1E",
    "phones": {
        504141: "1039"    
    "script_path": ""

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

The method returns an object of the installed widget and its settings.

ParameterData typeDescription
idintWidget ID
codestringWidget code
versionstringWidget version
ratingstring|floatWidget rating (rating system doesn't exist on Kommo yet)
settings_templatearrayAn array of widget settings fields
settings_template[0]objWidget settings field
settings_template[0][key]stringField value key
settings_template[0][name]stringWidget settings field name
settings_template[0][type]stringWidget settings field data type (text, pass, custom, users, or users_lp)
settings_template[0][is_required]boolShows whether filling in the is mandatory
is_lead_sourceboolShows whether a widget can be set as a lead source
is_work_with_dpboolShows whether a widget is available in Digital Pipeline
is_crm_templateboolShows whether a widget is a CRM template
client_uuidstring|nullUUID of the widget’s oAuth integration
is_active_in_accountboolShows whether the widget is installed in the account
pipeline_idintPipeline ID where a widget is set as a lead source
settingsarrayWidget settings. The key is returned only when an integration requests its own settings
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!