The method provides transferring information that the client is currently typing something in the messenger. The information will be displayed in Kommo interface.
Please be aware that you won't be able to execute this step described above directly in the API Reference section due to tool limitations: it is not possible to calculate required headers and send a request simultaneously.
You need to send the request twice:
- the first time you will see that the client is in the profile

- the second time you will see that the client is typing

Headers & Authorization type
Parameter | Data type | Description |
Date | string | Date and time when the request was generated. The signature will be valid for 15 minutes from this Date. The date should be in the format “Thu, 01 Jan 2023 12:00:00 +0000” (RFC2822) |
Content-type | string | Request data type. Currently, only application/json is supported. |
Content-MD5 | string | For the request body, it is necessary to calculate the MD5 hash and indicate it in the header in lowercase. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that the request body is calculated as a stream of bytes without considering the end of JSON markup, and if there are \n or spaces at the end, they will also be taken into account. For GET requests, MD5 must also be calculated. Even if nothing is passed in the request body, MD5 will be obtained from an empty string. |
X-Signature | string | Signature of the request as a string. It is formed from the name of the method (GET/POST) in uppercase, with the values of the headers concatenated by \n . Header values come in a specific order. If there is no header, an empty string is specified instead. Next, add the requested path from the URL without the protocol and domain (without GET parameters) to the line. The resulting string is calculated using HMAC-SHA1, and as a secret, we use the channel secret obtained during registration. The resulting hash in lowercase is indicated in the X-Signature header. |
Calculate headers for Chats API requests
Open Recipe
Data type header when the request is successful/in case of an error
Content-Type: application/json
The method does not return a body in case of successful request, but it appears in Kommo interface that the client is typing.