Get a template by ID

The method allows you to get data about a template.


  • The method is available with administrator rights
  • The method returns only the templates that were created by the current integration

Data type header on success
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header on error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
idintTemplate ID
account_idintID of the account the template belongs to
namestringTemplate name
contentstringTemplate body (the message that is sent to the user)
is_editableboolIt defines whether users can edit the template via Kommo interface.
typestringTemplate type
buttonsarrayArray of button objects
buttons[]objA button object
buttons[][type]stringButton type. Available options are inline (plain text button) and url (link button)
buttons[][text]stringText on the button
buttons[][url]stringURL of the button of the url type
attachmentobject|nullObject of the file added to the template
attachment[id]stringUUID of the file attached to the template
attachment[name]stringFile name (it will be passed to a messenger)
attachment[type]stringType of the file (picture, file, document, video)
attachment[is_external]boolIndicator that the file is from a file service. For all templates added from spring 2022 returns true.
created_atintIndicates when the template was added in Unix Timestamp
updated_atintIndicates when the template was updated last time in Unix Timestamp
external_idstringExternal template ID. Template ID in your system.
review_statusstring|nullWhatsApp template status: approved/review/paused/rejected. It requires GET parameter with.
is_on_reviewnull|boolIndicates whether the template is being reviewed? It requires GET parameter with.
waba_footerstringWhatsapp template footer
waba_categorystringWhatsApp template category. The following categories are available: UTILITY/AUTHENTICATION/MARKETING
waba_languagestringLanguage of the Whatsapp template
waba_examplesobjExamples of replacing WhatsApp template markup elements. Example "waba_examples":{"{{}}":"qwerty"}
waba_headerstringWhatsApp template header with a limit of up to 60 characters.
waba_header_typestringWhatsApp template header type. Available options: text (WhatsApp template with a header), media (WhatsApp template with a media header, there must be a file attached).
_embeddedobjAn object containing information related to the request
_embedded.reviewsarrayWhatsApp template statuses array. It requires GET parameter with.[][id]intWhatsApp template status ID. It requires GET parameter with.[][source_id]intWhatsApp template status source ID. It requires GET parameter with.[][reject_reason]stringThe reason the WhatsApp template was rejcted. It requires GET parameter with.[][status]stringWhatsApp template status. It requires GET parameter with.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!