Account parameters

The method allows getting the account information.

The method is available for all account users.

โ€œwithโ€ Parameters

amojo_idAdds the account ID in the online chat service to the response
amojo_rightsAdds in response information about the availability of the functionality for creating group and using direct chats by users
users_groupsAdds information about the available groups of account users to the response
task_typesAdds to the response information about the available types of tasks in the account
versionAdds information about the current version of Kommo to the response
entity_namesAdds entity names to the response with their translations and number forms
datetime_settingsAdds to the response information about the current settings of the accountโ€™s date and time formats
drive_urlAdds the file service address for the requested account

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

ParameterData typeIs 'with' required?Description
idintโŒAccount ID
namestringโŒAccount name
subdomainstringโŒAccount subdomain
current_user_idintโŒCurrent user ID
countrystringโŒCountry specified in the account settings
currencystringโŒCurrency specified in the account settings
currency_symbolstringโŒCurrency symbol
is_unsorted_onboolโŒIs the Incoming leads functionality is enabled?
is_loss_reason_enabledboolโŒIs the Reason for close-lost leads functionality enabled?
is_helpbot_enabledboolโŒIs the AI power-up functionality enabled? (available only on the Enterprise subscription plan)
is_technical_accountboolโŒIs the account technical?
contact_name_display_orderintโŒDefines the order of the contactโ€™s name (1 โ€“ First Name, Last Name; 2 โ€“ Last Name, First Name).
amojo_idstringโœ…Unique account identifier in the online chat service amojo.
versionintโœ…Current Kommo version
_embedded[amojo_rights]objโœ…Chats settings object
_embedded[amojo_rights][can_direct]objโœ…Defines whether internal chats are available.
_embedded[amojo_rights][can_create_groups]objโœ…Defines whether group chats are available.
_embedded[users_groups]arrayโœ…Array of the Kommo user groups objects
_embedded[users_groups][0][id]intโœ…User group ID
_embedded[users_groups][0][name]stringโœ…User group name
_embedded[task_types]arrayโœ…Task types on the account
_embedded[task_types][0][id]intโœ…Task type ID
_embedded[task_types][0][name]stringโœ…Task type name
_embedded[task_types][0][color]stringโœ…Task type color
_embedded[task_types][0][icon_id]intโœ…Task type icon ID
_embedded[task_types][0][code]stringโœ…Task type code
_embedded[datetime_settings]objโœ…Date and time settings and format in the account
_embedded[entity_names]objโœ…Entities names settings
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!