Getting a lead by its ID

This method allows getting a particular lead data by its ID.

The method is available in accordance with the user’s rights.

Authorization type
OAuth 2.0 with Access Token/ Long-lived token

Response parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
idintLead ID
namestringLead name
priceintLead sale
responsible_user_idintLead responsible user ID
group_idintGroup ID of the lead responsible user
status_idintID of the stage the lead is added to, the first stage of the main pipeline by default
pipeline_idintID of the pipeline the lead is added to
loss_reason_idintLead loss reason ID
source_idintGET parameter “with” is required.
Lead source ID.
created_byintId of the user who created the lead
updated_byintId of the user who updated the lead
created_atintThe time and date the lead was created in the format of Unix Timestamp
updated_atintThe time and date the lead was updated in the format of Unix Timestamp
closed_atintThe time and date the lead was closed in the format of Unix Timestamp
closest_task_atintThe time and date of the closest open task in the format of Unix Timestamp
custom_fields_valuesarray|nullAn array containing information on the values of custom fields specified for this lead
scoreint|nullLead score
account_idintAccount ID where the lead is located in
labor_costintShows how much time was spent working with the deal. Calculation time in seconds.
is_price_modified_by_robotboolGET parameter “with” is required.
Defines whether the lead sale value was changed by the Robot last time.
_embeddedobjectEmbedded entities data
_embedded[loss_reason]objectGET parameter “with” is required.
Lead loss reason
_embedded[loss_reason][id]intLoss reason ID
_embedded[loss_reason][name]stringLoss reason name
_embedded[tags]arrayLead tags data array
_embedded[tags][0]objectLead tag model
_embedded[tags][0][id]intTag ID
_embedded[tags][0][name]stringTag name
_embedded[tags][0][color]string/nullTag color
_embedded[contacts]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked contacts data array.
_embedded[contacts][0]objectLinked contact data
_embedded[contacts][0][id]intsLinked contact ID
_embedded[contacts][0][is_main]boolDefines whether the contact is main for the lead
_embedded[companies]arrayLinked company data array. This array always consists of 1 element as a lead can have only 1 company linked to it.
_embedded[companies][0]objectLinked company data
_embedded[companies][0][id]intLinked company ID
_embedded[catalog_elements]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked lists’ elements data array.
_embedded[catalog_elements][0]objectLinked list element data
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][id]intLinked element ID
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][metadata]objectMeta-data of the element
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][quantity]intLinked element quantity
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][catalog_id]intID of the linked element’s list
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