Updating a custom field of a list

This method allows updating a custom field of a list.

The method is available for administrator users only.

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

Parameter Data type Description Is the field mandatory Supported field types
id int Field ID Available for all field types
name string Field name Available for all field types
code string Field code that can be used to update the value of the field without passing the field ID in the request Available for all field types
sort int Field sorting in the field group Available for all field types
settings object Field settings Available for all lists (catalogs) fields
is_visible bool Defines whether the field is displayed in the list interface Available for all lists (catalogs) fields
is_required bool Defines whether the field is mandatory when creating a list element Available for all lists (catalogs) fields
remind string|null Birthday reminders setting (never, day – day before the event, week – week before the event, month – month before the event) Available only for the birthday type fields
enums array Available field values array ✅(only if you update a field of types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
Available for the following field types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
enums[0] object Available field value model ✅(only if you update a field of types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
Available for the following field types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
enums[0][value] string Value ✅(only if you update a field of types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
Available for the following field types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
enums[0][sort] string Value sorting ✅(only if you update a field of types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
Available for the following field types:
  • multiselect
  • radiobutton
  • select
nested array Nested values array Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0] object Nested value model Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0][id] int Nested value ID. Shouldn’t be passed when creating a new value Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0][parent_id] int Nested value parent ID Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0][value] string The value of the nested value Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0][sort] int Nested value sorting Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0][request_id] string Temporary identifier of a nested value. Identifier should be unique for the request, isn’t saved anywhere, and is used to create more than one nesting level within one request Available for the following field types:
  • category
nested[0][parent_request_id] string Temporary identifier of a nested value parent. Identifier is used only at the time of the request, isn’t saved anywhere, and defines the nesting level of the added element if the parent element hasn’t been created yet Available for the following field types:
  • category
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!