Metadata objects description

There are 4 categories for Incoming leads: chats, forms, sip (call), and mail. The difference between the incoming leads from the four types is in the metadata.

Incoming leads metadata of the sip (call) category

ParameterData typeDescription
fromstringCall initiator
phonestringCall recipient
called_atintCall date and time in Unix Timestamp format
durationintCall duration
linkstringA link to the call recording
service_codestringService provider code
is_call_event_neededboolThis flag is not returned in the response but can be passed. If the “true” value is passed, the call event will be added to the entity card.

Incoming leads metadata of the forms category

ParameterData typeDescription
form_idstringIntegration’s form ID.
form_namestringForm name
form_pagestringWebpage where the form is installed
ipstringThe IP address of the request
form_sent_atintForm submission date and time in Unix Timestamp format
refererstringWebpage the applicant was redirected from to the form page

Incoming leads metadata of the chats category

ParameterData typeDescription
fromstringThe name of the user who sent the message
tostringThe ID of the page that received the message
received_atintMessage date and time in Unix Timestamp format
servicestringName of the service that delivered the message
clientobjectMessage author data
client[name]stringMessage sender name
client[avatar]string|nullLink to the sender’s avatar
originobjectMessage source data
origin[chat_id]stringChat ID in the chats service
origin[ref]string|nullAdditional data from the chats service
origin[visitor_uid]string|nullUID of the user who sent the message
last_message_textstring|nullThe last message from the user
source_namestringMessage source name

Incoming leads metadata of the mail category

ParameterData typeDescription
fromobjectEmail author data
from[email]stringAuthor email address
from[name]stringAuthor name
received_atintDate and time when the email was received in Unix Timestamp format
subjectstringEmail subject
thread_idintThread ID in the mail service
message_idintEmail ID in the mail service
content_summarystringEmail content summary