Companies list

The method allows you to get a list of companies


The method is available in correspondence to the user rights.

“with” Parameters

leadsAdds info on the leads linked to the company into the response
contactsAdds info on the contacts linked to the company into the response
catalog_elementsAdds lists elements linked to the company into the response

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

The properties of a company object are listed below.

ParameterData typeDescription
idintCompany ID
namestringCompany name
responsible_user_idintCompany responsible user ID
group_idintGroup ID of the company responsible user
created_byintThe ID of the user who created the company
updated_byintThe ID of the user who updated the company last
created_atintCompany creation date in the format of Unix Timestamp
updated_atintCompany update date in the format of Unix Timestamp
closest_task_atintDate of the closest open task in the format of Unix Timestamp
custom_fields_valuesarray|nullAn array of the current company custom fields’ values
account_idintAccount ID where the company is located in
_embeddedobjectEmbedded entities data
_embedded[tags]arrayCompany tags data array
_embedded[tags][0]objectCompany tag model
_embedded[tags][0][id]intTag ID
_embedded[tags][0][name]stringTag name
_embedded[tags][0][color]string/nullTag color
_embedded[contacts]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked contacts data array
_embedded[contacts][0]objectLinked contact data
_embedded[contacts][0][id]intLinked contact ID
_embedded[leads]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked leads data array
_embedded[leads][0]objectLinked lead data
_embedded[leads][0][id]intLinked lead ID
_embedded[catalog_elements]arrayGET parameter “with” is required.
Linked lists’ elements data array
_embedded[catalog_elements][0]objectLinked list element data
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][id]intLinked element ID
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][metadata]objectMeta-data of the element
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][quantity]intLinked elements quantity
_embedded[catalog_elements][0][catalog_id]intID of the linked element’s list
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!