Get a list element

This method allows to get a list element data by its ID

The method is available for users with access to lists.

Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json

Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json

Response parameters

The method returns a list element object.

ParametersData typeDescription
idintList element ID
catalog_idintList ID
namestringElement name
created_byintThe ID of the user who created the element
updated_byintThe ID of the user who edited the element last
created_atintElement creation date in Unix Timestamp format
updated_atintElement edit date in Unix Timestamp format
is_deletedboolIt shows whether an element is deleted
custom_fields_valuesarray|nullAn array of the current element custom fields’ values
account_idintAccount ID where the element is located in
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