JUMP TOAPI V4 GENERAL METHODSAccountAccount parametersgetOAuth 2.0Get/renew an access tokenpostIncoming leadsIncoming leads listgetGetting an incoming lead by its UIDgetAdding incoming leads from the type sip (call)postAdding incoming leads from the type formpostAccepting incoming leadspostDeclining incoming leadsdeleteLinking incoming leadspostIncoming leads summary informationgetMetadata objects descriptionLeadsLeads listgetGetting a lead by its IDgetAdding LeadspostUpdating LeadspatchUpdating a leadpatchComplex addition of leads with contact and companypostLeads pipelines and stagesPipelines listgetGetting a pipeline by its IDgetAdding pipelinespostEditing a pipelinepatchDeleting a pipelinedeletePipeline stages listgetGetting a pipeline stage data by its IDgetAdding stages to the pipelinepostPipeline stage editpatchDeleting a pipeline stagedeleteAvailable stage colorsContactsContacts ListgetGetting a contact by its IDgetAdding contactspostUpdating ContactspatchUpdating a single contactpatchCompaniesCompanies listgetGetting a company by its IDgetAdd companiespostUpdating companiespatchUpdating a companypatchListsGet a list of listsgetGet a listgetAdding listspostEditing listspatchEditing a listpatchGet list elementsgetGet a list elementgetAdding list elementspostEditing list elementspatchEditing a list elementpatchCustom fieldsCustom fields listgetCustom fields list of a listgetGetting an entity field by its IDgetGetting a list field by its IDgetAdding custom fieldspostAdding a custom field to a listpostUpdating custom fieldspatchUpdating a custom fieldpatchUpdating custom fields of a listpatchUpdating a custom field of a listpatchDeleting a custom fielddeleteUsers and rolesUsers listgetGetting user data by its IDgetAdding userspostUser roles listgetGetting a role data by its IDgetAdding rolespostEditing rolespatchDeleting a roledeleteTasksTasks ListgetGetting a task by its IDgetAdding taskspostEditing taskspatchEditing a single taskpatchEventsEvents listgetGetting an event by its IDgetGetting events typesgetEvents typesEvents filtrationNotesGetting a particular entity’s notes list by the entity IDgetNotes list by the entity typegetGet a note by its IDgetAdding notespostEditing notespatchEditing a notepatchNotes typesTagsList of entity tagsgetAdding tags for a particular entity typepostUpdating tagspatchUpdating tags of a single entitypatchTag colorsLinks between entitiesLinked entities listgetLinking entitiespostUnlinking entitiespostSalesbotLaunch SalesbotpostSalesBot widget block execution confirmationpostSourcesGet a list of sourcesgetGet a source by its IDgetAdd sourcespostUpdate a sourcepatchUpdate sourcespatchDelete a sourcedeleteDelete sourcesdeleteTemplatesGet a list of templatesgetGet a template by IDgetAdd templatespostEdit templatespatchSubmit a WhatsApp template for moderationpostEdit a WhatsApp template statuspostDelete templatesdeleteDelete a templatedeleteWebhooksList of webhooksgetAdding a webhookpostDeleting a webhookdeleteWebhook eventsWidgetsWidgets ListgetGetting the widget info by its codegetInstalling the widget into the accountpostUninstalling widgetdeleteConversationsGet a conversation by IDgetClose a conversation by IDpostCallsAdd callspostFiles APIFiles API capabilitiesFiles API Key FeaturesFiles API MethodsGetting startedGet a file by UUIDgetGet a list of filesgetCreate a file upload sessionpostUpload a part of the filepostEdit a filepatchDelete filesdeleteRestore filespostGet a version of filegetGet files attached to an entitygetAttach files to an entityputDetach files from an entitydeleteGet entities associated with a filegetChats APIFive steps to send a messageStep 1: Register a new channelStep 2: Connect chat channelpostStep 3: Create new chatpostStep 4: Link chat to contactpostStep 5: Send, receive, or import messagespostGet chat historygetGet contact chatsgetUpdate message delivery statuspostTransfer typing informationpostSend or withdraw reactionspostDisconnect chat channeldeleteChat API account IDReceiving Chat webhooksOther docsDocumentationRecipesPowered by TagsIn this section we will describe how to work with tags via APICommon information The tags directory is divided by the entity type. A tag will have a different ID for different entities Tags functionality is available for the following entities: leads, contacts, and companies