get https://{subdomain}
This method allows getting a particular role data by its ID
Method is available for administrator users only.
Data type header when the request is successful
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Data type header in case of an error
Content-Type: application/problem+json
Parameters for GET-parameters “with”
Parameter | Description |
users | Adds IDs of users with the current role into the response |
Response parameters
Method returns a user role object. The properties of the object are listed below.
Rights objects have a common structure. Depending on the entity type these objects contain available actions as keys and the rights for the action as a value. For example, rights[leads][view]=A
Parameter | Data type | Description |
id | int | Role ID |
name | string | Role name |
rights | object | User rights |
rights[leads] | object | Leads access rights object |
rights[contacts] | object | Contacts access rights object |
rights[companies] | object | Companies access rights object |
rights[tasks] | object | Tasks access rights object |
rights[mail_access] | bool | Defines whether Mail functionality is allowed for the user. |
rights[catalog_access] | bool | Defines whether Lists functionality is allowed for the user. |
rights[is_admin] | bool | Defines whether the user has administrator rights. |
rights[is_free] | bool | Defines whether it is a free user. |
rights[is_active] | bool | Defines whether the user is active. |
rights[group_id] | int|null | ID of the user’s group |
rights[role_id] | int|null | ID of the user’s role |
rights[status_rights] | array | An array of the objects that define stages rights |
rights[status_rights][0] | object | An object of stage rights |
rights[status_rights][0][entity_type] | string | Entity type. Only lead entity is supported at the moment |
rights[status_rights][0][pipeline_id] | int | ID of the pipeline the stage is located in. |
rights[status_rights][0][status_id] | int | Stage ID |
rights[status_rights][0][rights] | object | Rights object |
_embedded[users] | array | An array containing IDs of users with the current role |