One-time tokens

These are JSON Web Token (JWT) tokens that can be transferred together with a request to third-party resources from the Kommo Web interface.

The token contains encrypted information about the user from which a request was made to a resource.

How do I get a one-time token?

The method sends an ajax request with a temporary authorization token for the current user.

The X-Auth-Token header is added to the request. The remote server must give permission to receive requests from the account domain (configure CORS).

The method inherits all incoming parameters of the jQuery $.ajax() function, and in response also returns an object of the type jQuery $.Deferred that is fully compatible with the response of the $.ajax method.

define([], function() {
  'use strict';
  return function() {
    var self = this;
    this.callbacks = {
      init: function() {
        return true;
      render: function() {
          url: ''// provide URL where you want to get your token
        }).done(function (response) {
          console.log('success', response);
        }).fail(function (err) {
          console.log('error', err);
        return true;
      bind_actions: function() {
        return true;
    return this;

Token decoding algorithm

The token signature algorithm is HS256.

The integration secret key is used as the encryption key (only the integration owner has access to this key).

To decode the token, we recommend using the methods from the public libraries. You can also use the debugger to decode, validate, and generate the JWT (JSON Web Token).

Token parameters after decoding

ParameterData TypeDescription
issstringKommo account address
audstringThe base address is formed based on the value of redirect_uri in the integration.
jtistringUUID token
iatintDate when the token was issued in Unix Timestamp format
nbfintDate when the token becomes valid in Unix Timestamp format
expintDate when the token will expire in Unix Timestamp format
account_idintAccount ID from which the request was made.
user_idintID of the user who made the request.
client_uuidstringThe UUID of the integration that made the request

Response example

    "iss": "",
    "aud": "",
    "jti": "d123f123-5123-b123-a123-ed123ef123f",
    "iat": 1594204245,
    "nbf": 1594204245,
    "exp": 1594206045,
    "account_id": 12345678,
    "user_id": 87654321,
    "subdomain": "subdomain",
    "client_uuid": "0b0123f4-d123-4123-9123-e09f123456c"